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Over 100 protein shakes, bars, puddings, pancakes, soups, entrees and chips to choose from! Check out the clearance products. They change often:)

We have been in business since 2011. Shipping all over Canada and the United States. If there is something that you can't find, please reach out.

116 products
Protidiet - Vanilla Pudding
Protidiet - Vanilla Pudding
Regular price $19.99 $16.99 Sale
ProtiDiet - Vanilla Shake
ProtiDiet - Vanilla Shake
Regular price $19.99 $16.99 Sale
ProtiDiet - Vanilla Wafer
ProtiDiet - Vanilla Wafer
Regular price $23.99 $19.99 Sale
ProtiDiet- Mint Hot Cocoa *NEW*
ProtiDiet- Mint Hot Cocoa *NEW*
Regular price $19.99 $16.99 Sale